Your story deserves to be told.

Preserve your legacy. Turn your life story into a book.

People are their stories.

As a professional memoir writer, I distill the most important parts of people’s lives into a printed legacy.

The result is a book that opens the door for heartfelt and meaningful conversations with your loved ones while you are still able.

Why write a memoir?

“One of the saddest sentences I know is ‘I wish I had asked my mother about that. Or my father. Or my grandmother. Or my grandfather.’ ”

-William Zinsser

Document your family history for future generations

Give your loved ones an understanding of how you became who you are

Strengthen your relationships with your family

How it’s done

Together, we decide what you’d like to share and the format that best serves your goals.

We then proceed with thoughtful interviewing, careful listening, patience, and clear, well-turned writing.

This becomes your hardcover memoir, your legacy in print.

  • During this meeting, we determine what you’d like to accomplish with your memoir along with the voice you wish to convey. We discuss a timeline, responsibilities and fee structure. If we decide to work together, I will then send you a written services agreement.

  • You complete a short questionnaire on your own or with the help of your family. This ensures that all of the dates and places are correct.

  • This is where the magic takes place! During each one to two-hour session we chat in-person or on video about your life experiences and values. At the end of our last interview session you will provide the photos you’d like included.

  • The writing stage starts with organizing your story on my wall-sized whiteboard. Then I sit down at the computer and turn the soundbites we uncovered during the interviews into your memoir manuscript.

  • Ready to read through your masterpiece? Take up to two weeks to review the first draft, making sure we’ve covered it all.

  • After you and I agree on a cover direction, our talented production team jumps in to design it. They also lay out the book’s interior pages.

  • Your book is sent to a commercial printer. If you’d like it to be available for sale through global book distribution channels such as Amazon, this is the point at which we make that happen. Once we ensure that every page has printed to the high standard which we demand, your copies are delivered to you.